A new path of hope

Motto and theme the words of Christ: «Behold, I make all things new»

A new path of hope

On 25 and 26 May 2024 everyone in Rome!

The establishment of a World Children Day, strongly desired by Pope Francis, is an event of historic importance, not only for the history of the Church. Last November 6, a wave of thousands of young people from all over the world literally "overwhelmed" the austere silence of the Vatican walls, arousing joy and enthusiasm in everyone.

A wave of joy and hope, but also made of questions and anxiety. Our youngest children asked to be listened to, protected, reassured. They asked an unavoidable question about their and our future. They spoke of the destruction of our "Sister Earth", singing a song that recalled the beauty of the world and nature.

Pope Francis, knowing that children are the "hope of a people", did not archive the day in the memory book, but he immediately relaunched it after a few months, establishing a global event that will take place on a recurring basis.

In Rome on May 25th and 26th, children will once again be at the center of attention. Motto and theme of the first day are the words of Christ: "Behold, I make all things new" (Rev. 21, 5). A signal to the lords of war and death. Bright words, which announce a new path, "a new heaven and a new earth" (Rev. 21,1).

As Cardinal Tolentino de Mendonça clearly suggested, let us listen to the Gospel that "thrills" in the little ones, in the initial season of life. The Gospel of boys and girls. The simplicity of their heart is a gift from God and, for those who know how to welcome it, the possibility of peace.

And now everyone work with team spirit! Answering together to the dream of the boys and girls of the whole world.

The registration site is currently in three languages: www.worldchildrenday.org

Father Enzo Fortunato
